
多片再生法在海洋沉积物测年中的应用 被引量:2

OSL dating of marine sediments using multiple-aliquot regeneration-dose method
摘要 本文用光释光多片再生法对我国黄海海域沉积物样品进行了测年。按不同深度选取同一柱状样四个取样点,采用4–11μm的细颗粒进行释光年代测量。为评估测年结果的可靠性,将释光测量结果与该柱状样相近层位样品的AMS 14C测年结果比对,发现在AMS 14C测年的灵敏度范围内,两者结果吻合良好。 Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating method, an important method for Quaternary sediment age determination, has been successfully applied to terrestrial sediments such as loess. However, applying OSL dating method to marine sediments should be explored. In this paper, the multiple-aliquot regeneration-dose of OSL dating is used to date marine sediments samples from the Yellow Sea of China. Four samples were taken from different depths of a drill core, and quartz grains of4-11 ~tm were separated for OSL dating, while organic carbon samples were taken from the same sampling positions for AMS 14C dating, so as to check the OSL dating results. It turns out that the OSL dating results agree well with the AMS 14C dating results within the AMS 14C detection limit (47 ka).
出处 《核技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期107-110,共4页 Nuclear Techniques
关键词 光释光测年 海洋沉积物 多片再生法 AMS HC Optically stimulated luminescence, Marine sediment, Multiple-aliquot regeneration-dose method, AMS 14C
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