
国外未成年人贫困测度及启示 被引量:2

Child Poverty Measures in Foreign Countries and Their Implications
摘要 未成年人贫困内涵的界定存在从一维到多维,从生存到发展,从物质到权利的变化趋势,相比家庭贫困与成年人贫困又有其特殊性,影响更加深远和广泛。对未成年人贫困的测度包括了家庭和未成年人个体两种分析单元,并且基于内涵的多维变化,测度指标也逐渐多元,表达形式则可以分为数量分析法、指数分析法、综合分析法三类。这些方法各有优劣,应该根据研究目标和研究条件的不同进行选择,对于探索我国未成年人贫困问题研究及政策实践具有积极的借鉴意义。 The change in the connotation of child poverty showed some trends of its extent: from onedimensional, surviving and need for materials to multi-dimensional, developing and demand for rights. Compared to the family/adult poverty, child poverty has its particularity which influences child more profoundly and extensively. The poverty measuring of child poverty includes two analyzing units, i.e. , the child individual and his/her family, and the measure indices become multi-dimensional gradually due to the dimensional change in the connotation of the child poverty. As to the expression methods, there are three types, i.e., the count, index and holistic measures. According to their different advantages and disadvantages, a choice should be made among them for the studies where the objectives and conditions are different. The measuring methods as above are beneficial to the studies on child poverty and relevant policies to be formulated in China.
作者 王作宝
出处 《东北大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期48-53,共6页 Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)
关键词 未成年人贫困 数量分析法 指数分析法 综合分析法 child poverty count measure index measure holistic measure
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