By using a dynamical model approach of real solar system, a numerical simulation of the dynamical evolution of the main belt asteroids in solar system is made. The evolution of the test particles with a time span of 1 million years from the beginning of Julian day JD= 2.454 000 5 × 10^6 by using the Orbit9 integrator, which is designed specially to compute the orbit evolution of small bodies, is calculated. The dynamical model used in this paper is a system of n + rn bodies, where n equals 7 which means the mass of Mercury and Venus are merged into the mass of Sun and the mass of Pluto is ignored, meanwhile the interaction among the Sun and the rest 6 planets is considered; the number of test particles, m, equals 25 000 in this model. The model for the initial distribution of the test particles is: there are 5 groups of test particles with different argument of pericenter (ω) which are 0°, 72°, 144°, 216° and 288°, the semi major axis (a) of each group distributes between 1.5~4.5 AU evenly with an interval of 6 ×10^-4 AU, the eccentricity (e) and orbital inclination (i) of all particles are set to be the same values of e=0.1 and i=8° as they distribute in the solar system, the longitude of Ascending Node Ω=0°, and the mean anomaly M=0. The results show the different effects of mean motion resonance between the Jupiter and the test particles on the stability of the test particles and the influence of different initial value of ω at 2 : 3 and 3 : 4 resonant zones on the evolution of the test particles.
Progress In Astronomy
main belt asteroids
orbital evolution