B4 C 涂层提供了低 Z( 原子序数) 和稳定的耐熔表面。在不锈钢和铜合金基片上直接采用真空等离子喷涂法实现200 μm ~300 μm 厚的 B4 C 涂层, 是一种经济、快速且有效的第一壁制造工艺。通过对影响 B4 C 涂层质量的诸多工艺参数进行优化, 在温度和气氛可控的条件下实现抗热冲击性能良好的 B4 C 涂层。该涂层适于作为核聚变装置第一壁耐等离子冲刷的保护涂层。
B4C coating can provide low Z and stable refractory surface.B4C coating with the thickness of 200 300 μm was processed by vacuum plasma spray(VPS) on the substrates of stainless steel and copper alloy,which is an econmical and more efficient technology.By optimizing the spraying parameters of B4C deposit,a satisfactorily thermal shock resistance was obtained under the controlled temperature and atmosphere,which is suitable for plasma erosion protective purposes in nuclear fusion device.
Vacuum and Cryogenics