
德国产品开发专业的教学实践及研究特色 被引量:1

Characteristics of research and teaching practice on product development in Germany
摘要 高校受教育者实际能力的培养、高等教育机构及研究部门智力资源的转化、企业创新素质的提高均是我国亟待解决的问题,未来产品开发的知识需求和研究趋势亦是我国学者需要研究的课题.介绍了德国产品开发专业相关方面的举措及特色,即校企联合方式、知识创新及产品开发的研究特色、高校教学和研究团队以及项目研究团队的组织特色,有益于研究机构的知识创新和技术创新成果与工业实践有机结合,洞悉未来产品开发的发展方向,并提高国民整体的创新素养.研究结果值得国内高等院校和研究机构借鉴与参考. How to train the actual capabilities of everyone who receives an education in university, to transform the intellectual resources of higher education and research organizations into the productivity and to improve the innovation quality of enterprises, which are the pressing questions in China. The knowledge demand of product development in feature should be quested in academic circles of China. It was described that how cooperation between colleges and industries in Germa- ny took place. It was also introduced the characteristics of research on knowledge innovation and product development, which helped us to pierce the development trend of product in the future. Simultaneously, the organizational features of teaching and research groups as well as project re- search teams formed within universities of Germany were discussed. Some measures could im- proved the innovation awareness of the public and were worth referencing and learning to our research institutes and universities so as to maximize the capabilities of technology innovations of academic institutes seamlessly with industries' participation.
作者 唐林
出处 《工程设计学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期62-66,共5页 Chinese Journal of Engineering Design
基金 德国学术交流中心(DAAD)资助项目 王宽诚教育基金资助项目(A/09/95063)
关键词 产品开发 教学实践 科学研究 德国 product development teaching practice science research Germany
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