提出了一种基于Minkowski分形互补开口环谐振器(CSRRs)的电小平衡复合左右手传输线(CRLH TL)(单元尺寸为0.074λg).采用理论计算、电磁仿真、等效电路模型计算(电仿真)及有效介质参数提取相结合的方法研究了非平衡CRLH TL传输特性随CSRRs环数、Minkowski环水平迭代因子、垂直迭代因子及迭代次数变化的影响,得出分形、多环结构实现小型化的作用机理.对所设计的电小平衡CRLH TL进行加工测试.仿真、等效电路模型计算以及测试的结果吻合得很好.结果表明与基于传统CSRRs加载的CRLH TL相比,所提出的CRLH TL带宽明显展宽,-10 dB回波损耗相对带宽达到113.7%,具有更低的工作频率.展现了其在超宽带、小型化器件应用的广阔前景.
Novel balanced composite right/left handed transmission line (CRLH TL) with electrically small dimension of 0. 074λg based on Minkowski fractal shaped geometry of complementary split ring resonator (CSRRs) was proposed and studied. Effects of the ring number of CSRRs, iteration order, horizontal and vertical iteration factor to transmission characteristics of unbalanced CRLH TL were investigated through academic calculation, constitutive parameters extraction ap- proach, and EM as well as electrical simulation. Thus working mechanism of fractal and multi- loop structure in terms of miniaturization can be derived. For verification, novel balanced CRLH TL has been fabricated and measured. Results obtained from simulation, circuit model and meas- urement show good agreement which indicates: the -10 dB return loss bandwidth has been signifi- cantly broadened (relative bandwidth of 113.7%) while also presents a lower operating frequen- cy. Good performance of the proposed structure exhibits promising foreground in ultra wide band and miniaturization application.
Chinese Journal of Engineering Design