
学龄期儿童冲突监测认知发展的行为学及事件相关电位研究 被引量:11

The cognitive development of conflict monitoring of school-age children: a behavior and ERP study
摘要 目的对7~12岁学龄期儿童冲突监测的行为学及事件相关电位(ERP)进行研究,探讨各年龄组儿童冲突监测的发展变化特点。方法7~12岁正常儿童131名,采用持续性操作测试(CVF)任务,对各年龄组儿童行为学和ERP非靶N2波幅进行比较分析。结果1.行为学:随年龄增长,靶刺激的反应时缩短[分别为(533.33±66.65)ms,(523.91±92.96)ms,(468.37±64.13)ms,(461.48±98.31)InS,(457.57±84.05)ms,(405.02±67.90)ms],击中数增加[分别为(34.87±4.84)个,(37.64±3.54)个,(37.95±2.92)个,(38.67±1.23)个,(39.31±1.08)个,(39.45±1.00)个],各年龄组比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。2.ERP:①非靶N2波幅显著高于靶,差异有统计学意义(F=98.57,P〈0.01)。②非靶N2波幅随年龄增长波幅降低,年龄组间比较,差异有统计学意义(F=5.54,P〈0.01)。结论非靶N2与冲突监测密切相关,行为学和ERP结果均显示年龄发展的变化趋势,8~10岁,12岁是儿童信息加工速度、注意及冲突蛉测认知能力发展的关键期。 Objective The present study aimed to trace the behavior results and event-related potential (ERP) of conflict monitoring from γ - 12 years old to explore the development features of the conflict monitoring. Methods In six groups of 144 children aged from 7 to 12 ,behavior and non-target N2 amplitude were analyzed in continuous performance test (CPT) task. Results I. Behavior results:the reaction time of target stimulus decreased ( ( 533.33 ± 66.65 ) ms, ( 523.91 ± 92.96 ) ms, ( 468.37 ±64.13 ) ms, ( 461.48 ± 98.31 ) ms, (457.57 ± 84.05 ) ms, (405.02 ± 67.90) ms) and the hitting number increased ( ( 34.87 ±4.84 ), ( 37.64± 3.54 ), ( 37.95 ± 2.92 ), ( 38.67±1.23 ) , ( 39.31± 1.08 ), ( 39.45 ± 1.00) ) as age increased, and the difference was statistically significant ( P〈0.01 ). 2. ERP: (1)The non-target N2 amplitude was significantly higher than the target,and the difference was statistically significant (F= 98.57, P〈 0.01 ). (2)The amplitude of non-target N2 amplitude decreased with age,and the difference was statistically significant (F= 5.54, P 〈 0.01 ). Conclusion The non-target N2 was closely related to the monitoring conflict,and the behavior and ERP results in this study showed the de- velopment trend. 8 - 10 and 12 years old are the critical development period of information processing speed, attention and conflict monitoring function for children.
出处 《中华行为医学与脑科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期22-24,共3页 Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30870868)
关键词 学龄期儿童 事件相关电位 行为学 冲突监测 School-age children Event-related potentials Behavior Conflict monitoring
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