
连续混沌系统类随机性的符号熵分析法 被引量:1

Analysis of random-like property of continuous chaotic system with symbol entropy
摘要 采用符号熵分析法,分析和讨论了经典的Lorenz连续混沌系统和Rssler连续混沌系统的类随机性强弱。先将连续混沌系统产生的实数序列转化为二进制序列,然后进行编码,计算其符号熵,绘制其符号熵图,并深入讨论了系统参数和初始值对符号熵的影响。数值仿真分析表明,符号熵法能定量区别不同连续混沌系统类随机性的强弱。同时作为随机源,Lorenz混沌系统比Rssler混沌系统好。 Random-like properties of typical Lorenz chaotic system and Rssler chaotic system are analyzed and discussed by using symbol entropy algorithm.Firstly,the binary sequences are obtained from real-valued sequences generated by continuous chaotic systems,then are coded.Symbol entropies of the binary sequences are calculated and their curves are plotted.Influences of system parameter and initial value on symbol entropy are discussed.Simulation result shows that symbol entropy algorithm can be used to identify the strength of random-like properties of continuous chaotic systems,and Lorenz chaotic system is better than Rssler chaotic system as the source of randomness.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期40-42,共3页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金No.60802004 广东省科技厅科技计划资助项目(No.2007B010200041)~~
关键词 混沌 类随机性 符号熵 LORENZ混沌系统 Rssler混沌系统 chaos random-like property symbol entropy Lorenz chaotic system Rssler chaotic system
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