In CMYK subtractive color system, the application of black plate and the amount of total ink will have an influence on the output devices" color performance. By utilizing the soft- ware and color management technology developed by ourselves, a three-dimensional model of the output device was calculated based on the devices ICC profile and the color gamut with different black production methods, and different total ink amounts were compared. As the results demonstrate, the output color gamut in the low tonal range was expanded with the introduction of black plate, different black production methods had an influence on the color separation while having no effect on the color gamut when the total ink amount remains the same. And the output color gamut increases when the permitted total ink amount increases which was reflected on the expansion of color gamut in low tonal range, the variation of total ink amount from 380%to 320% will lead to 2 unit lightness increase in low tonal range while the variation from 340% to 320% will cause little difference.
Information Recording Materials
CMYK subtractive color system
black plate
device's profile
color gamut