
气缸低摩擦力测量方法的研究 被引量:2

Study of Testing Methods of Low Value Friction of Pneumatic Cylinders
摘要 为了测量新型金属密封气缸的低摩擦力,设计了间测法和直测法两种测量系统。比较实验表明,直测法测量精度高、数据一致性好、动摩擦力测量时可预设速度值,因此更适合于气缸低摩擦力的测量。在此基础上,采用直测法获得了新型金属密封气缸静摩擦力和不同速度下的气缸动摩擦力,为该型气缸的使用提供了基础数据。 This paper designs the two systems: indirect measurement system and direct measurement system.in order to research into low value friction of the metal seal pneumatic cylinders.The experiment shows that the direct measurement is used to obtain the higher accuracy and consistency of the data and to reset the velocity.So this method is more applicable to the measurement of the low value friction,by which the static friction and the kinetic friction under different velocity are obtained.It also provides essential data for the application of the pneumatic cylinders.
出处 《机械制造与自动化》 2011年第1期45-48,共4页 Machine Building & Automation
关键词 气缸 摩擦力 测量系统 pneumatic cylinder friction measurement system
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