
宽严相济 以人为本——科学发展观视野下的《刑法修正案(七)》解读

Tempering Justice with Mercy,People Oriented——The Interpretation of Criminal Law Amendment 7 in View of Scientific Concept of Development
摘要 2009年全国人大常委会通过了《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(七)》,根据社会发展实际情况,修改了绑架罪等4个罪名,新增了利用影响力受贿罪等9个罪名。这次修订遵循了宽严相济的刑事政策,体现了科学发展观"以人为本"的核心思想,对建设和谐社会起到了重要的保障作用。 In 2009,The NPC Standing Committee passed the "Criminal Law Amendment(7)",According to the actual situation of social development,modified the crime of kidnapping and other charges of 4,added advantage of the influence of nine charges of taking bribes,etc.This amendment followed the criminal policy of moderate degrees of strictness,the value of the Penal Code in the pursuit of a harmonious society be unified.
作者 徐泽春
出处 《山西省政法管理干部学院学报》 2011年第1期38-40,共3页 Journal of Shanxi Politics and Law Institute for Administrators
基金 黄冈师范学院校级项目"科学发展观视野下的刑法修正案(七)解读"(编号09cb072)的部分成果
关键词 科学发展观 刑法修正案(七) 解读 scientific concept of development Criminal Law Amendment 7 interpretation
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