
对不公正历史事件的情绪反应——群体内疚 被引量:11

Emotional Reactions to Historical Injustice Events:Collective Guilt
摘要 只要个体把自己归于施害群体,并且承认所属群体对不道德的行为负有责任,而无需自己参与其中,就会体验到群体内疚,它是一种自我聚焦的情绪。内群体责任、伤害行为的正当化、知觉到的补偿困难等认知因素都会影响群体内疚程度,而个体的优先价值观和国家认同等会造成成员间群体内疚体验的个体差异。群体内疚的体验会促进施害群体对受害群体的道歉和补偿支持。将来伤害行为的群体内疚,以及与其他情绪的综合考察方面还需要进一步研究。 Collective guilt can be conceptualized as guilt that is experienced as a consequence of belonging to a group which has done wrongdoing to the other groups, even though the personal self was clearly uninvolved in the harmful actions. It is a self-focus emotion. Some cognitive factors will affect the group-based guilt, such as in-group responsibility, legitimacy appraisal, perceived difficulty of making restitutions, the personal value priorities and national identity will produce the individual difference in collective guilt. Group-based guilt can facilitate apologies and restitutions to the victimized group. There are ample opportunities to develop whether people can experience collective guilt for present-day behavior that harms in-group members in the future, and the other emotions will integrate with collective guilt in intergroup reconciliation.
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期224-232,共9页 Advances in Psychological Science
关键词 群体内疚 国家认同 道歉 补偿 collective guilt national identity apology restitution
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