
产生正弦光栅的二值化面积编码新方法 被引量:7

New Method of Sinusoidal Grating Generation Based on Area Encoding
摘要 基于面积编码的二值化算法,提出了一定改进,即在对二值化模板进行填充时,用分散的、尽可能等间距的填充方法代替分块的、非等间隔的填充方法,并将此光栅制作出来用于三维形貌测量。利用二元编码光栅的频谱分布特征和光学系统固有的低通滤波特征,可以将二元分布的模板转化为测量区域的正弦分布,同时又滤去了量化噪声,得到质量较好的正弦光场。计算机模拟以及实验验证了该方法的可行性。 Some improvements of binaryzation encoding algorithm based on the area-encoding are proposed in this paper.This method fills the binary template with scattering and equidistance as far as possible rather than blocking and nonequidistance sequence. Such grating is fabricated and applied to three-dimensional measurement. Making use of the feature of the binary encoding grating spectrum distribution and the inherent low-pass filter characteristics of the optical system, binary distribution templates can be transformed into sinusoidal distribution in the measurement area, meanwhile the quantization noise can be filtered out, thus better quality sinusoidal optical field can be received. The results of simulation and actual experiments prove the feasibility of this method.
出处 《光学与光电技术》 2011年第1期36-41,共6页 Optics & Optoelectronic Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(60807006)资助项目
关键词 正弦光栅 二值化 面积编码 三维面形测量 sinusoidal grating binaryzation area encoding three-dimensional measurement
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