
解读“五权”村治模式中民主参与的价值意义——对四川仪陇县“五权”村级治理模式运行机制的思考 被引量:1

An Interpretation of the Value of Democratic Participation in the Model of "Five-Power" Rural Governance——Reflection on the Operation Mechanism of the Model of "Five-Power" Rural Governance in Yilong Country,Sichuan
摘要 仪陇县创建的"五权"村级治理模式,得到了《人民日报》、《农民日报》、《新华社国内动态清样》等主流媒体多次深度的报道,并在由中央组织部、中央学习实践活动领导小组办公室等共同组织召开的"党领导的村级民主自治机制工作经验交流会"上作了经验推介。那么,这种模式蕴涵了怎样的"民主参与"的价值,对全国乡村的"乡域政治"或者是西部乡村的村级治理具有多少普遍意义,需要我们做出深度的理论探索。 The"five-power" rural governance model, created by Yilong Country, has been deeply reported by the mainstream media for many times, such as People Daily,Farmers Daily, and Xinhua News Agency. Yilong Country introduced its experience at the exchange meeting about the Mechanism of Democratic Autonomy in Rural Community under the leadership of Communist Party. As for the extent of the value and significance of the model in the rural goveranee in China,we need to deeply and theoretically explore them.
出处 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2011年第1期46-51,共6页 Journal of China West Normal University:Philosophy & Social Sciences
关键词 “五权” 村级治理模式 民主参与 价值意义 "five-power" the model of rural governance democratic participation value and significance
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