
马松蒿属(玄参科)的名实问题(英文) 被引量:5

The identity of the genus Xizangia Hong(Scrophulariaceae)
摘要 发现马松蒿XizangiaserrataHong与齿叶翅茎草PterygielaserrataHand.Maz.属于同一种,因此马松蒿及其代表的单型属———马松蒿属XizangiaHong均应处理为异名。 Xizangia serrata Hong, the sole species of the monotypic genus Xizangia Hong, was found to be the same species as Pterygiella bartschioides Hand. Mazz., so Xizangia and X. serrata are both reduced to synonyms. In the course of preparing an account of some genera in the Scrophulariaceae for Fl. Yunnan., my attention was drawn to Xizangia Hong, a monotypic genus whose sole species, X. serrata Hong, was described from a single collection(B. S. Li, Z. C. Ni and S. Z. Cheng 6601, PE) from Bomi County, Xizang, China. I was struck by the similarity between this plant and Pterygiella bartschioides Hand. Mazz., a species described from northwestern Yunnan, China. Closer examination of more specimens has shown conclusively that X. serrata is indeed the same species as P. bartschioides. This results in the following synonomy: Pterygiella Oliv. in Hook.Ic. Pl. V, t.2463. 1896. Xizangia Hong in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 24(2):139, fig.1:1~7. 1986, syn. nov. Pterygiella bartschioides Hand. Mazz. in Sitzgsanz. Akad. Wiss. Wien 60: 186. 1923; Symb Sin. 7: 871, Abb. 25: 2. 1936; P. C. Tsoong in Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 68: 382, pl. 90: 1~6. 1963. TYPE: China. Yunnan, Doyonlumba between Mekong and Salwin, Handel Mazzetti 9671(holotype, W)(n. v.) Xizangia serrata Hong in Acta Phytotax. Sin. 24(2):141, f. 1:1~7. 1986, syn. nov. TYPE: China. Xizang, Bomi, B. S. Li, Z. C. Ni & S. Z. Cheng 6601(holotype, PE). Yunnan: Gongshan, Drung Nu Aut. Co. Salwin kiukiang Divide, Balahuangtum, T. T. Yü 20662(KUN, PE); Salwin Kiukiang divide, west of Tehahtu, T. T. Yü 20312(KUN, PE); Salwin Kiukiang divide, Doyonlumba, K. M. Feng 6926(KUN); Gongshan, Tsakou(Cikai), Mt. Heipushan, K. M. Feng 8275(KUN, PE). Xizang: Mê dog, Nafe, Exped. Qinghai Xizang 74 3801(KUN). Distribution: NW Yunnan and SE Xizang of China. Acknowledgments I am grateful to Professor LI Xi Wen of Kunming Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, for his encouragement of writing this paper and comments on the manuscript.
作者 陶德定
出处 《植物分类学报》 CSCD 1999年第3期281-281,共1页 Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica
关键词 马松蒿属 异名 玄参科 Xizangia Hong Synonym
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