目的:分析冠状动脉弥散性扩张(Coronary artery diffuse ectasia,CAE)的临床特点,旨在了解冠状动脉扩张病变对心肌供血的影响。方法:研究对象按冠状动脉造影特征分3组:冠状动脉弥散性扩张组(A组),单纯冠状动脉狭窄组(B组)及正常冠状动脉组(C组)。比较3组间的一般资料、常见危险因素、心肌缺血表现,并采用校正的TIMI帧数(CTFC)对冠脉血流速度进行评估。结果:冠状动脉弥散性扩张常常发生在年轻男性患者,常合并有冠心病危险因素较多的患者。CAE校正的TIMI帧数比对照组明显增高,血流速度缓慢,血流到达血管远端时间延长。结论:冠状动脉弥散性扩张是一种血管结构性病变,引起心肌缺血。
Objective:To analyze the clinical features of patients with coronary artery diffuse ectasia,to understand the impact of myocardial blood supply.Methods:The patients were divided into three groups by coronary angiography: coronary artery diffuse ectasic(A group),Simple coronary artery stenosis(B group)and normal coronary artery(C group).Evaluated the coronary artery blood flow velocity and blood flow by corrected TIMI frame count(CTFC) method,and evaluated comparison of general information and risk factors and the performance of myocardial ischemia between each other.Results:The frequency of arterial involvement were younger male and often associated with more risk factors in coronary artery diffuse ectasia.CTFC of patients with CAE were significantly higher than the control group,This suggested that coronary blood flow velocity were decreased in patients with Coronary artery diffuse ectasia.Conclusion:Coronary artery diffuse ectasia is a kind of coronary vascular structural lesions,causing myocardial ischemia.
Journal of Modern Clinical Medicine