
雾化吸入NO供体对新生猪急性呼吸窘迫综合征炎症反应的干预作用 被引量:2

Modulatory effects of nebulized nitric oxide donor on inflammatory response in newborn piglets with acute respiratory distress syndrome
摘要 目的探讨雾化吸入NO供体对急性呼吸窘迫综合征炎症反应的干预作用机制。方法健康出生后3—5d的新生猪45只随机分成5组,A组为对照组:气管插管,接呼吸机;B组为NS组:模型建立后,经呼吸机管道雾化吸人生理盐水30rain;C组为模型建立后,经呼吸机管道雾化吸入Neb—SNP(1rag/m1,0.9%NaCl配制)30min;D组为模型建立后,经呼吸机管道雾化吸入Neb—SNP(5mg/m1)30min;E组为模型建立后,经呼吸机管道雾化吸入Neb—SNP(10mg/ml)30min。各组分30、60、120min3个时间点各3只测定肺组织核因子(NF)-κB的表达及血清细胞因子TNF—α、IL-12、IL-10的浓度。结果治疗组肺组织NF—KB表达显著降低(P〈0.05),血清TNF-α、IL-12浓度显著降低(P〈0.05),IL—10浓度明显增高(P〈0.05);Neb—SNP雾化浓度增加,NF-KB表达下降,炎症因子TNF-α、IL-12浓度下降,IL-10浓度升高[C组与D组差异有显著性(P〈0.05),D组与E组差异无显著性(P〉0.05)]。结论Neb—SNP通过下调NF—κB的活性,抑制炎症因子的表达从而减轻急性呼吸窘迫综合征的肺损伤。 Objective To investigate modulatory effects of Neb-SNP on inflammatory response and to explore the protection mechanisms of Neb-SNP in newborn piglets with ARDS. Methods Forty-five neonatal swines were randomly divided into five groups:group A (controlled group, n = 9 ), group B (physiological saline group,n =9),group C (Neb-SNP 1 mg/ml,0. 9% NaCl,n =9),group D (Neb-SNP 5 mg/ml, 0. 9% NaCl, n = 9 )and group E (Neb-SNP 10 mg/ml,0. 9% NaCl, n = 9 ). The pathological changes and activity of NF-κB in the lung tissue,TNF-α,IL-10 and IL-12 concentrations in serum at 30 minutes,60 minutes and 120 minutes after aerosol inhalation were observed. Results Activity of NF-κB and serum concentrations of TNF-α and IL-12 in the Neb-SNP treated group were lower than group B(P 〈0. 05) ,and serum IL- 10 concentration was obviously higher in the Neb-SNP group( P 〈 0. 05 ). With an increase of Neb-SNP concentration, activity of NF-KB and serum concentrations of TNF-α and IL-12 were obviously increased, while serum concentrations of IL-10 was increased in group D and group E than that of group C ( P 〈 0. 05 ). Conclusion Inhalation of Neb-SNP reduced lung injury induced ARDS through lowering NF-κB activity and inhibiting expression of harmful inflammatory cytokines.
出处 《中国小儿急救医学》 CAS 2011年第1期53-55,共3页 Chinese Pediatric Emergency Medicine
关键词 急性呼吸窘迫综合征 NO供体 核因子-ΚB 细胞因子 Acute respiratory distress syndrome Neb-SNP Nuclear factor-kappa B Cytokine
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