In the
present paper, a new species of the genus Tricentrus Stl,1866 damaging Japanese
Pagodatree ( Sophora japonica Linn.) in Shandong province,China is descriped.All the type
specimens are deposited in the Entomological Museum,Northwestern Agricultural University.
The measurements are expressed in millimeters. Tricentrus sophorae Yuan et Yan, sp.nov.
(Fig.1) Adult:Smaller and dark brown, covered with dense golden pubescence and
puncture.Body length from front of head to tops of tegmina ♀5.10~6.00,4.20~5.00, width
between tips of humeral angles ♀ 1.86~1.90, 2.10~2.30., distance between tips of
suprahumerals ♀ 2.10~3.00,2.00~2.10.Female bigger than male,suprahumerals extand
beyond humeral angles,thier length is about 1/3 of distance between the bases of both
suprahumerals.Male suprahumerals shorter and not extand to humeral angles.Tegmina with
basal area carioceous and punctate, all the apical cells and apical limbus yellowish brown,but
the rest white and hyaline. Ovum:Oval,slightly curved,lacte and smooth,1.00~1.20×0.34~0.
35. The micropyle is at the wide end. Nympha:5 instar stadia 1st instar:1.36~1.66×0.36~0.
52. Thoracic nota slightly higher than vertex,and pro ,meso and metanota with uniform
width.The posterior margin of pronotum straight. 2nd instar:1.70~2.22×0.60~0.66. Thoracic
nota slightly elevated. The posterior margin of pronotum slightly curved backwards. 3rd
instar:2.32~3.30×0.76~0.90. Thoracic nota more elevated. The posterior margin of pronotum
projects backwards. Tegmen and wing buds emerge. 4th instar:3.18~4.48×1.02~1.36.
Thoracic nota obviously elevated. The posterior process of pronotum extands to 1/3 of
mesonotum. The buds of suprohumerals emerge and take the triangular form. Tegmen and wing
buds extand back-and downwards. 5th instar:4.38~5.64×1.48~1.94. Pronotum obviously
elevated, and its posterior process extands to 1/2 of mesonotum. The buds of suprahumerals
triangular. Tegmen and wing buds extand to the middle of 3rd abdominal segment. Host plant:
Sophora japonica Linn., Sophora japonica f. pendula Hort., Robinia pseudoacacia
Linn.,and Amorpha fruticosa Linn.All the plants belong to the family Leguminosae. Type
specimens:Holotype ♀,Shanghe County,Shandong Province, Ⅶ-1997, collec ted by Yan Jiahe;
Allotype , same as holotype; Paratypes 6♀♀,18, Shanghe County, Shandong Province,
the beginning of June 1998, collected by Yan Jiahe. Remarks:This new species is similar in
appearance to Tricentrus brunneus Funkhouser, 1918, but different from the latter in the
following characters: suprahumerals short, thier length is about 1/3 of distance between the
bases of suprahumerals; tegmina with apical cells and apical limbus yellowish brown; pronotal
posterior process is elevated in the dorsal middle.
Homoptera, Membracidae,
Tricentrus , new species, Sophora japonica , Shandong