The present paper deals with a new genus and a new species of the Cerambycidae
from China. The type specimen is deposited in the insect collection, Southwest Agricultural
University. Gibbohammus, gen. nov. Body small, convex. Head distinctly narrowed behind
eyes; frons subquadrate; eyes coarsely faceted, deeply emarginate, lower lobes longer than
broad. Antennal tubercles prominent, vertex between eyes deeply concave; antennae slender,
fairly longer than body, scape elongate, apex with a distinct cicatrix, open or feebly margined
internally, 3rd antennal segment longer than 4th, about twice as long as scape. Prothorax
slightly broader than long, distinctly constricted both anteriorly and posteriorly; pronotum
strongly swollen and similar in form of ball; laterally spined, small and blunt, dorso laterally
directed. Scutellum elongate. Elytra broad at shoulders: narrowed posteriorly, rounded apically.
Prosternal process narrow, arched, coxal cavities closed behind; mesosternal process evenly,
slightly arched anteriorly. Legs moderately elongate; femora enlarged; middle tibiae externally
grooved, distinctly; claws divaricate. Type species: Gibbohammus stricticollis Wang et
Chiang, sp. nov. This genus is easily distinguished from all other genera of Agnini by the
following cha racters: 1). head behind eyes narrowed distinctly; 2). prothorax fairly constricted
both anteriorly and posteriorly; and 3). pronotum strongly swollen, etc. Allied to Acalolepta
Pascoe 1858 and Sternohammus Breuning 1935, easily distinguished by characters
described above, besides, differs from the former in absence of shined pubescence, lateral
spines of pronotum small and blunt, directed dorso laterally and elytra densely punctured,
slightly ranked in lines; and differs from the latter in absence of elytral apical spines and of
longitudinal concave of prosternal process and of mesosternal intercoxal tubercle. 1.
Gibbohammus stricticollis, sp. nov. (Figs.1~4) Male. Body chestnut black, dark metallic
shined. Antennae dull red except the basal two segments and the end of 3~11 segments,
chestnut black, 4th and following segments annulated with yellowish brown basally; dorsal
surface covered with fine grey pubescence, sparsely and densely on frons. Scutellum heavily
decorated with greyish white pubescence. Body ventral surface covered with pale bluish white
pubescence. Apices of tibiae and ventral surface of tarsi, clothed with yellow pubescence.
Frons subquadrate, finely ridged middially; vertex and occiput punctured sparsely; lower lobes
of eyes longer than broad, about twice as high as gena below; antennae slender, two times and
a half as long as body, 3rd segment distinctly longer than 4th, about twice as long as scape,
gradually shorter beyond 5th and the last segment, longest. Prothorax slightly broader than
long, lateral spine small and conic, dorso laterally; punctured sparsely in the front of pronotal
disc, and pronotum strongly swollen. Scutellum elongate. Elytra broader at shoulders than
basal pronotum and narrowed posteriorly, punctured densely, subregularly lined, disappeared
apically. Male genitalia (Figs.2~4): Elongate, 3.5 mm long, tegmen slightly shorter than
median lobe with median struts; lateral lobes long and furnished with short setae apically. Roof
absent; basal piece present; ringed part hemmed, converging, geniculated at the widest
portion; median lobe with median struts moderately curved, the former slightly longer than the
latter; ventral margin of median orifice strongly produced; median foramen sharply elongated.
Ejaculatory ducts double. Length: 13 mm; breadth: 4.0 mm. Holotype ♂, Wuzhi Mountain,
Hainan Province, 19-Ⅴ-1997, by Yang Maofa.
Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae,
new genus, new species, China