记述钝革螨属1新种:邓氏钝革螨Amblygamasus dengguofam sp.nov.。
Amblygamasus dengguofani sp. nov.1. Body oval, 954 μm long X 632 μm wide. Dorsal shield shuttle -shaped. 885 μm long X 483 μm wide; dorsal setae long and simple, anterior region on dorsal shield with few and scattered setae, but posterior region densely covered with setae. Tritosternum with long narrow base. Presternal shields wedge - shaped. Sternal shield with 3 pairs of setae and 2 pairs of pores. Metasternal shields with MSt and 3 pairs of pores. Genitalshield with 1 pain of seta . Endogynium with many sharp teeth. Ven-tro - anal shield with. 10-13 ventral setae on each side and 3 perianal setae. Peritrematal shields join to ventral shield and separated from dorsal shield ,peritreme extends to coxa I . Tectum with a large median prong and several small lateral ones. Setae al of palpfemur and al1 and al2 of palpgenu pectinate.The new species is similar to Amblygamasus dentipes (C. L. Koch ,1839) , but having many teeth in endogynium, peritrematal shields join with ventral shield, tectum with several lateral prongs except median one ,seta al of palpfemur pectinate. However the latter species with 4 spines in endogynium, pertrematal shields separat from ventral shield, tectum trispinate, seta al of palpfemur spatulate.Holotype , paratype 1 , from humus soils under trees, Wuhan City (30°31'N, 114°16'E) in Hubei Province, 1997 -06 -02,Type specimens are deposited in the National Base of Plague and Brucellosis Control, Baicheng City, Jilin Province.The new species is named in honor of Prof. Deng Guofan, the famous acarololgist of China.
Acta Arachnologica Sinica