Based on the vegetation survey on a secondary evergreen broad-leaf forest atSanjiaoshan, Conghua, near Guangzhou, the natural distribution characteristics,environmental condition, floristic composition and community characteristics of China'sendemic species Manglietia pachyphylla Chang and its conservation strategies were studied in承蒙中国科学院华南植物研究所何道泉研究员审阅并提出修改意见,特此致谢.June, 1997. The results indicated that Manglietia pachyphylla was naturally distributed inthe secondary evergreen broad-leaf forest at altitudes from 650 to 1000 metres in a narrowzone. There were 132 species of vascular plant in 89 genera of 57 families in plots of 1200 m^2.The diversity index and evenness of the tree and shrub species in the community were 5.45and 84.39%, respectively, which were similar to those of other evergreen broad-leaf forestin the neighboring regions, but lower than those in tropical rain forest in Hainan.The floristic composition of the community showed a transitional characteristics of tropicaland subtropical elements. The community was termed as Syzygium buxifolium+Daphniphyllumsubverticillatum+Manglietia pachyphylla Community. It can be vertically divided into threelayers, tree (with 2 sublayers), shrub, and grass layers. There were many species in the treelayer and shrub layer, but few species in the grass layer. The dominant speciesof Magnoliaceae in tree layer were found to be Manglietia pachyphylla and Micheliamaudiae. The mesophanerophytes and microphanerophytes made up high percentage, andthe megaphanerophytes, Hemicryptophytes and therophytes were not found in the specieslife form spectrum of the community. The mesophyll also made up high percentage inleaf-size class spectrum of the community. The distribution pattern of magnoliaceous plantswere measured by variance/means ratio, and the result indicated that most of the dominant species were clumped in distribution, Manglietia pachyphylla and Michelia skinnerana wereclumped, and Michelia maudiae was random. Analysis on structure of magnoliaceouspopulations indicated that Michelia maudiae and Michelia skinneriana were at the stablestage, but Manglietia pachyphylla expressed a decline tendency. Therefore, Manglietiapachyphylla is an endangered species which must be preserved through in situ and ex situconservation, and the preservation strategies should be centred on in situ conservation.
Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany
Manglietia pachyphylla, Distribution area, Community characteristics, Speciesconservation