
纤维桩与金属桩行桩核冠修复临床效果比较研究 被引量:17

The comparison of fiber post-retained and metal post-retained crowns in clinical application
摘要 目的比较纤维桩和金属桩的临床效果。方法选取2008年3—6月河南省人民医院口腔科进行桩核冠修复的患者63例(共70颗患牙),随机将70颗患牙分为2组,每组35颗。试验组采用纤维桩+树脂核联合烤瓷冠修复;对照组采用铸造钴铬金属桩核联合烤瓷冠修复。修复后随访观察2年,并评价临床效果。结果修复1年后,试验组1例患牙在去除临时冠时纤维桩核脱落,经重新黏结后未发生再脱位,成功率97.1%;对照组1例牙龈缘充血,1例根尖周炎,成功率94.2%,组间差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.348,P=0.555)。修复2年后,试验组成功34颗,成功率97.1%;对照组成功31颗,失败4颗,其中根折、根尖周炎、桩核脱落、牙龈缘充血各1颗,成功率88.6%,组间差异无统计学意义(χ2=1.938,P=0.164)。结论纤维桩可替代金属桩,常规应用于临床。 Objective To compare the clinical effects of fiber post-retained and metal post-retained restorations.Methods Seventy endodontally treated teeth were divided into 2 groups randomly and each group consisted of 35 teeth.One group teeth were restored with fiber post-resin core and porcelain crown and the other group were treated with cast metal-core and porcelain crown.The teeth were clinically examined regularly for 2 years.The data were analysed with Chi-square method.Results One fiber post dislocated when provisional crown was removed in 1 year after restoration and the success rate was 97.1%.One gingival inflammation case and one periapical inflammation case occurred among the metal post group in 1 year after restoration.There was no statistical significance between the two groups(χ2 = 0.348,P = 0.555).Two years after restoration,the success rate was 97.1%.Four teeth(one root fracture,one periapical inflammation,one post dislocation,one gingival inflammation) of metal post group failed and the success rate was 88.6%.There was no statistical significance between the two groups(χ2 = 1.938,P = 0.164).Conclusion Fiber post-retained restoration can be routinely used clinically instead of metal post-retained restoration.
出处 《中国实用口腔科杂志》 CAS 2011年第1期31-32,共2页 Chinese Journal of Practical Stomatology
关键词 纤维桩 金属桩 临床效果 fiber post metal post clinical effect
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