

Acceleration of the Transformation of Economic Development Pattern:A Comparison of the Development Paths of the Provinces in Central China and the Enlightenment for Jiangxi
摘要 加快经济发展方式转变是我国经济实现又好又快发展的必然选择。中部六省已经从可持续发展、自主创新、推进产业结构升级、加强城市圈建设、解决民生等问题入手来加快转变发展方式,但是,在具体举措上,中部六省依据自身优势各有不同的侧重点:山西省以推动能源基地绿色经济作为主题;安徽省以皖江城市带承接产业转移示范区建设为契机;河南省立足"三农"和城乡统筹基调转变经济发展方式;湖北省根据省情"三业并举",推进结构优化升级;湖南省实施了"一化三基"战略;江西省以鄱阳湖生态经济区建设为引擎走绿色崛起之路。通过各省发展策略的比较,对江西加快经济发展方式转变有重要启示。 To accelerate the transformation of economic development pattern is an inevitable choice of our country for realizing the sound and rapid development of economy. The six provinces in Central China have set out to accelerate the transformation from the angles of sustainable development, homegrown innovation, industrial structure upgrading, development of city clusters, solution of problems regarding people’s livelihood, and so on. However, the provinces have taken different measures according to their specific advantages. Shanxi employs the green economy of energy base as the theme; Anhui takes the construction of industrial transfer demonstration region of the city cluster along the Yangtze River as the opportunity; Henan accelerates the transformation based on solution of the problems of agriculture, peasants and countryside as well as the unified planning of urban and rural areas;Hubei emphasizes the development of all the three industries to promote the structural upgrading according to the provincial situation; Hunan carries out the strategy of "new industrialization, infrastructure, basic industries and basic work"; and Jiangxi advances on the road of green rise driven by the engine of building the Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone. Through comparison of the development strategies of the provinces, the paper provides some references for Jiangxi Province to accelerate the transformation of economic development zone.
作者 蒋寒迪
出处 《中国井冈山干部学院学报》 2011年第1期112-118,共7页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Jinggangshan
基金 中国井冈山干部学院2008年度重点课题<中央科学发展战略与省市科学发展对策比较>(课题编号:08ldkx04)的系列成果之一
关键词 转变经济发展方式 中部各省 发展路径 比较 启示 transformation of economic development pattern provinces in Central China development paths comparison enlightenment
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