
策略加密的信任协商隐私保护 被引量:1

Police-based encryption for privacy protection of trust negotiation
摘要 自动信任协商隐私保护技术不断发展,隐藏证书是其中较为全面的解决方案。针对隐藏证书技术存在解密盲目性,造成解密运算执行代价高的弱点,提出基于策略的椭圆曲线双线性对加密算法的信任协商隐私信息保护(PBE-PP)方案。该方案在BDH问题困难的假设下,在随机预言模型中证明是IND-Pol-CCA安全的。与隐藏证书和其它基于策略加密方案相比,执行效率更高、安全性更好、密文长度更短。 Privacy protection technologies of automated trust negotiation have witnessed great development,among which hidden credentials is an admittedly more satisfactory one.However,for hidden credentials,there exists fatal weakness of blindly decryption,which results decryption execution costly.To solve the problem,using bilinear pairings over elliptic curves,a policy-based encryption for privacy protection is proposed.Under the assumption of BDH problem,the scheme is proven to be IND-Pol-CCA safety in the random prediction model.Compared with hidden credentials and other encryption solutions based on policy,this scheme is more efficient,secure and of shorter length of cipher text.
作者 喻玲 陈蜀宇
出处 《重庆大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期52-57,共6页 Journal of Chongqing University
基金 重庆市自然科学基金CSTC资助项目(2008BB2307)
关键词 自动信任协商 隐私 加密 双线性对 CDH-问题 automated trust negotiation privacy encryption bilinear pairings CDH-problem
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