
认知无线电中基于Kriging方法的干扰温度空域分布估计 被引量:2

The spatial distribution estimation of Interference temperature based on kriging method in cognitive radio
摘要 为了解决传统干扰温度估计方法空域特性不突出,获取准确的干扰温度空域分布估计较困难,频谱资源利用不够充分的问题,本文提出一种利用空间分布的若干传感器获得的干扰温度样本值,结合Kriging估计法对整个空域的干扰温度进行估计的方法。该方法结合地质统计学中的Kriging插值法,对具有空域性质的干扰温度数据进行处理,可以得到区域内干扰温度的三维分布。Kriging插值法是以变异函数理论和结构分析为基础,在有限区域内对变量进行最优估计的一种方法。本文在研究中与传统的MTM-SVD方法在空域特性上进行比较。仿真分析表明,该方法能够较准确的估计出考察区域内干扰温度的空域分布,基于空域的频谱资源利用率也得到相应的提高。 In order to resolve the problems of the traditional interference temperature estimation methods,such as unclear spatial characteristics,inaccurate estimation of spatial distribution,and the insufficient use of spectrum resources,this paper proposes an estimation method which utilizes the interference temperature sample values obtained by wireless sensors distribute in space to estimate the interference temperature in the total area.This method makes use of the geo-statistical interpolation method of Kriging to calculate the interference temperature data and obtain the 3-dimensional distribution of the interference temperature in the area.Kriging interpolation method is based on the variogram and structure analysis theory,makes optimal estimation of the variables in area.Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed method can estimate the spatial distribution of interference temperature in the interested area more accurately and the spatial spectrum utilization is improved.
作者 冯文江 李俊
出处 《重庆大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期58-63,共6页 Journal of Chongqing University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60872038) 国家863计划资助项目(2008AA01Z202)
关键词 认知无线电 干扰温度 频谱感知 KRIGING方法 cognitive radio interference temperature spectrum sensing Kriging method
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