目的掌握沈阳市细菌性痢疾流行趋势,为制定防制规划提供准确依据。方法应用描述流行病学方法分析沈阳市细菌性痢疾疫情资料。结果 2004—2009年细菌性痢疾年均发病率为51.83/10万;城区细菌性痢疾年均发病率为78.11/10万,农村细菌性痢疾年均发病率为27.41/10万(P<0.01);6—9月发病数占全年的69.79%,呈夏秋季发病高峰;男性细菌性痢疾年均发病率为58.55/10万,女性细菌性痢疾年均发病率为44.95/10万(P<0.01),男女性别比为1.33:1;散居儿童、学生、家务及待业3项职业报告细菌性痢疾病例数占全部病例的59.39%,职业高峰明显;0~4岁年龄组占25.35%,呈典型的婴幼儿高发。结论该市应进一步做好卫生宣传和健康教育工作,养成良好卫生习惯;加强食品安全和饮水卫生监督管理;做好粪便无害化和灭蝇工作;加强疫情报告,有效控制痢疾流行。
[Objective]To understand the epidemic trend of bacillary dysentery in Shenyang City,and provide accurate evidence for developing control plan.[Methods]Descriptive epidemiological method was applied to analyze the epidemiological data of bacillary dysentery in Shenyang City.[Results]The annual incidence of bacillary dysentery was 51.83/100 000 during 2004-2009,that in urban area and rural area was 78.11/100 000 and 27.41/100 000(P〈0.01),respectively.The cases number during June to September accounted for 69.79% of annual total cases,showing peak incidence in summer and autumn.The annual male incidence rate was 58.55/100 000,that of female was 44.95/100 000(P〈0.01);The sex ratio of male to female was 1.33∶1,The scattered living child,student,the housework and job-waiting people totally accounted for 59.39% of the total cases,with obvious professional peak.The age group of 0~4 years old accounted for 25.35%,showing a typical high incidence tendency among babies and infants.[Conclusion]It is necessary to carry out health promotion and health education well,to develop good health habits;to strengthen food safety and water sanitation supervision and management;to perform decontamination of human excreta and fly eradication;to strengthen disease reporting and effective control of dysentery epidemic.
Occupation and Health
Bacillary dysentery
Epidemic situation
Epidemic Trend