目的了解北京市昌平区自建设施供水水质状况,为开展自建设施供水卫生管理工作提供依据。方法分别采集辖区内10个自建设施供水监测点2005—2009年枯、丰水期共计100个水样进行检测分析。结果 5年间,昌平区10个自建设施供水监测点的100个水样的平均合格率为85%,且各年度检测合格率呈逐年下降趋势。不合格指标主要是总大肠菌群、砷、锌、锰、浑浊度等。结论昌平区10个自建设施供水水质的微生物指标、毒理学指标、感官化学指标均存在超标现象,缺少必要的防护消毒设施、受地质情况的影响、自建设施供水设备陈旧老化和供水管理和监督不到位是4个主要原因,今后应加强自建设施供水水源防护,针对具体不合格指标采取有针对性改进措施,同时加强监督监测和管理,以保证供水质量和饮用水的卫生安全。
[Objective]To understand the water quality of self-built water supply in Changping district of Beijing,provide the scientific basis for sanitary management of self-built water supply.[Methods]100 water samples selected from 10 monitoring points of self-built water supply in this district in dry season and wet season during 2005-2009 were tested and analyzed.[Results]The average qualified rate of 100 water samples from 10 monitoring points of self-built water supply in Changping district in 5 years was 85%,and the annual qualified rate decreased year by year.The main unqualified indicators were total coliforms,arsenic,zinc,manganese and turbidity.[Conclusion]The unqualified indicators were detected among indicators of microbiology,toxicology,sense and chemistry of 10 self-built water supply facilities in Changping district,and the four main reasons included lack of protective disinfection measures,geological conditions,ageing of self-built water supply equipment,and incomplete water management and supervision.In the future,the protection of water source of self-built water supply should be strengthened,special improvement measures should be carried out based on unqualified indicators,management and monitoring should be improved,so as to ensure the water quality and safety of drinking water.
Occupation and Health
Water quality of self-built water supply