
重庆市锹甲研究 被引量:2

Study on the Lucanidae in Chongqing
摘要 2007-2009年间,采用不同方法对重庆市锹甲进行了调查研究.结果表明:重庆市锹甲共13属31种,其中优势种5种,常见种7种,稀有种5种,罕见种8种,还包括文献记载的6种尚未采集到.多数是具趋光性、营夜间活动的种类,少数是终身营朽木内生活种类.已知锹甲分布的区、县有12个,其中江津区分布最多,为15种,其次是城口,12种,第三是南川,9种.主要栖息环境是天然阔叶林,出现月份以7-8月居多,9月次之,6月最少. In the execution of the biological species inventory work arranged by Chongqing Environmental Protection Agency between 2007 and 2009,the authors have collected and investigated the lucanid in Chongqing,through light trapping,net capture adopted,larva catching and feeding and so on.The results showed that there were 31 species of lucanid belonging to 13 genera,among which 5 dominant,7 common,5 rare and 8 very rare species could be classified except 6 already reported.Most of them are phototactic and nocturnal while several others inhabit in rotten wood for life.There are twelve distributed districts of lucanid in Chongqing,which Jiangjin Distribution with up to 15 species,followed by the Chengkou Distribution with 12 species,the third of Nanchuan Distribution with nine species.The authors also found that lucanid in Chongqing mainly inhabited in natural broadleaf forests and appeared most in July/August,less in September and little in June.
出处 《西南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期134-141,共8页 Journal of Southwest China Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 重庆市环境保护局生物多样性基金资助项目
关键词 锹甲 分布 习性 重庆 Lucanidae distribution habit Chongqing
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