

Effect of probiotic supplementation level on growth performance in broilers
摘要 选用36000只1日龄罗斯308商品肉鸡,随机分成3个处理组,每个处理3个重复,每个重复4000只鸡。各处理组从1日龄开始至14日龄每天分别饮用绿源生0ml/只(T1)、0.35ml/只(T2)和0.65ml/只(T3)。研究饮水中添加不同剂量绿源生对肉鸡生长性能的影响。结果表明,绿源生有使肉鸡全期日增重线性上升的趋势(P=0.06)。随着绿源生添加剂量的增加,试验第2周(P<0.05)和全期(P<0.01)增重耗料比呈二次曲线上升。饮水中添加绿源生时间少于7d,可能对生产性能没有显著影响,增加饮水中绿源生的添加量能显著改善肉鸡的饲料转化率。 This study was conducted to compare growth performance in broilers fed for 14 consecutive days with water supplemented with Luyuansheng(LYS),a commercial product of 3-bacterial species probiotic.Thirty-six thousand 1-d-old Ross308 broilers were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups,with 12000 birds per group.The experimental treatment received a clean basal water and depending on the addition were labeled as follows:no addition(T1),O.35ml per chicken (T2), 0.65ml per chicken (T3). Each treatment had 3 replicates of 4000 broilers each. LYS has the potential to increase ADG of d0-dl4(P=0.06).G:F of d8-dl4(P〈0.05)and d0-dl4(P〈0.01)responded quadratically to the supplemented levels of LYS.These data suggest that increasing the inclusion levels of LYS in chicken' s drinking water may significantly improve G:F.However, the stimulatory effect of LYS on growth may not be significant when the supplement duration is shorter than 7d.
出处 《家禽科学》 2011年第2期44-46,共3页 Poultry Science
关键词 绿源生 微生态制剂 肉鸡 生长性能 Luyuansheng (LYS) Probiotic Meat-type chicken Growth performance
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