
一种面向语义Web的组合服务演化方法研究 被引量:4

Research on the Semantic Web Oriented Method for the Evolution of Composite Service
摘要 为了敏捷、有效地调整动态环境下的组合服务,系统地提出一种面向语义Web的组合服务结构化演化方法EM4CS。EM4CS方法采用OWL-S语言描述的组合式语义Web服务为研究对象,将组合服务演化过程划分为3个部分、6个阶段,分别从演化需求获取、演化需求形式化表示、语法一致性维护、语义一致性维护、演化结果确认和演化结果发布与传播6个方面覆盖组合服务演化周期。EM4CS方法从系统工程的角度分析组合服务演化过程,以迭代求精的方式逐步实现演化需求,同时维持服务描述语法和语义的一致性。介绍了遵循EM4CS方法的组合服务演化支撑系统ESS4CS,该系统能够全程辅助知识工程师完成组合服务演化工作,能有效地提高组合服务演化的效率和精度。 To adapt composite services with changes in dynamic environment agility and effectively,a semantic Web orien-ted method for the evolution of compo-site service which named EM4CS was proposed systematically.Taking composite services described by OWL-S as research object,EM4CS divides the evolution process into 3 parts,and covers the evolution cycle in 6 stages,i.e.evolution requirements capturing,formal representation of evolution requirements,syntactic consistency maintenance,semantic consistency maintenance,confirmation of evolution results,publication and broadcasting of evolution results.The composite service evolution process was analyzed from the perspective of system engineering,and the evolution requirements were fulfilled in an iterative refined way,in which the syntactic and semantic consistency were also maintained.The composite service evolution support system,which follows EM4CS,named ESS4CS,was also introduced in this paper.ESS4CS can assist knowledge engineer in the whole process of composite service evolution,and the efficiency and precision of the evolution process are also improved.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期138-143,151,共7页 Computer Science
基金 国家863项目(2007AA092202) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)(2009AA12Z214) 国家自然科学基金(40801060)资助。
关键词 语义WEB 组合服务演化 组合服务 EM4CS ESS4CS OWL-S Semantic Web Composite service evolution Composite service EM4CS ESS4CS OWL-S
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