

China's Peaceful Development and New Revolution in Military Affairs
摘要 国防现代化是中国和平发展的必然选择,是我国必须坚持的现代国防理念。从国防理念的演化来说,在历史上大体经历了陆权国防理念、海权国防理念、空权国防理念和多维国防理念等四个阶段。多维国防理念指导下的现代战争具有信息化、非接触性、控制太空以及综合化指挥艺术等特点。为了维护我国主权安全、实现国家统一、保障经济社会的可持续发展、促进世界和平,中国必须大力推进新军事变革。 Modernization of national defense is the inevitable choice for China's peaceful development.We must adhere to the modern national defense.In general,from land rights to sea power,air power and today's multidimensional national defense,national defense concept has experienced four stages in the history.Under the guidance of multidimensional concept of national defense,modern war has the features of information,non-contact,control space and the art of integrated command.In order to safeguard our sovereignty security,national unification,economic and social sustainable development and world peace,we must vigorously promote the China's new revolution in military affairs.
作者 陶富源
出处 《合肥师范学院学报》 2011年第1期54-60,共7页 Journal of Hefei Normal University
关键词 多维国防理念 现代战争 中国和平发展 新军事变革 multidimensional concept of national defense modern war China's peaceful development new revolution in military affairs
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