
全民覆盖的含义与政策目标 被引量:1

The definition and policy objectives of universal coverage
摘要 全民覆盖是世界卫生组织十年前提出的目标,2010年世界卫生报告以此为主题,进一步重申这一理念,并敦促各个成员国实现全民覆盖的目标。在中国迈向全民覆盖的进程中,正确的理解全民覆盖目标的深刻含义和政策导向具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。全民覆盖的目标是有效地为所有人提供健康保护和分担筹资风险,其政策导向是改善卫生筹资的公平性。全民覆盖关注的目标是"对所有人的基本卫生保健的"覆盖,而不是"对所有人所有的保健"的覆盖。本文通过泰国、印度、巴西和印度尼西亚四个国家的实例,分析了这些国家实现全民覆盖目标的经验和特征,为中国选择实现全民覆盖目标的路径提供参考。 Universal coverage is a goal advanced by WHO ten years ago. It is the theme of the World Health Report 2010,and WHO reaffirms the idea of "Universal Coverage" (UC) and urges the membership countries achieving the goal. It is significant for deeply understanding the right definition and direction of UC on the way of promoting the goal. The aim and policy direction of UC is effective protection of health and financial risk for all citizens. UC more concerns for coverage "the basic health care for all of population" rather than "the all of health care for all". This article analyzed some countries experiences in pushing the process of UC,such as Thailand,India,Brazil and Indonesia,as the references for choosing the China's way achieving to the UC goal.
作者 任苒
出处 《中国卫生政策研究》 2011年第1期27-31,共5页 Chinese Journal of Health Policy
基金 世界卫生组织 英国国际发展部 卫生部中国卫生政策支持项目"中国医疗保障制度发展研究"(HPSP200607)
关键词 全民覆盖 定义 政策目标 Universal coverage Definition Policy objective
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