

The Knowledge Division Nature of the Firm:a Non-transaction Costs Paradigm Analysis
摘要 文章分析了企业与市场所提供的产品在生产过程中的差异,这一差异长久以来为企业理论研究所忽视。在一个基于生产状态的知识分析框架下,本文的研究表明,在生产角度上,企业契约的本质是一种知识分工安排,企业中的权威关系基于利用企业中各生产者所拥有的差异化知识中具有最高产出效率的知识而形成,而且,生产者将其高产出效率知识显性化的能力在企业知识利用中发挥着重要的作用。文章还对与企业理论相关的委托—代理契约、企业管理分层、多样化雇佣关系等提出了不同于交易成本范式的解释。 This paper analyzes the differences in prodaction processes between firm production and market merchandise, which has been neglected by theoretical study for long time. In an analysis framewnrk of the knowledge on different production state, this study shows that, in the view of production process, contract of the firm is essentially an arrangement of knowledge division, and the authority is to share those knowledge of the highest oulput efficiency within faculty, and the ability of coding knowledge plays a key role in the arrangement. The paper also gives explanations tot the principal -agent contracts, hierarehical management structure, the diversity of employment relations, which are different from the transaction cost paradigm.
作者 雷国雄
出处 《华东经济管理》 CSSCI 2011年第3期79-84,共6页 East China Economic Management
关键词 企业的性质 知识分工 生产环节分析 nature of the firm division of knowledge analysis of production process
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