
羊肉发酵干香肠在成熟和贮藏过程中感官指标的变化及其相关性 被引量:4

Change of the sensory index and relativity of dry fermented mutton sausages during ripening and storage
摘要 试验通过接种复合发酵剂和添加天然香辛料,采用相同的工艺条件生产4组羊肉发酵香肠,1组为对照组(CO),2组为接种发酵剂组(SC),3组为发酵剂+黑胡椒组(SC+BP),4组为发酵剂+黑胡椒+孜然组(SC+BP+C)。采集成熟后(第7天)及贮藏过程(第14天、第21天和第35天)各组发酵香肠进行感官评价,结果建立了色泽、风味、组织状态和滋味与整体可接受性之间的线性模型公式为Y=0.08X1+0.147X2+0.222X3+0.836X4(R2=0.999),感官特性权重依次为滋味>组织状态>风味>色泽,说明滋味对产品的品质具有决定性作用。发酵剂+黑胡椒(SC+BP)组和发酵剂+黑胡椒+孜然(SC+BP+C)组的色泽评分由于添加黑胡椒的原因,其色泽评分在成熟和贮藏期间一直低于对照组。试验发酵剂组(SC)的羊肉发酵香肠在贮藏2周(第21天)时,各项感官评分均明显高于对照组,而且试验组的膻味评分在贮藏过程中明显低于对照组,说明接种复合发酵剂对羊肉发酵香肠感官品质的提高有一定的作用。 The dry fermented mutton sausages were manufactured with mutton and tail fat obtained from sheep fed in Inner Mongolia.Four groups of fermented sausages manufacture using the same technology were named control group(CO),starter culture group(SC),starter culture and black pepper group(SC+BP) and starter culture,black pepper and cumin group(SC+BP+C).The sensory index of dry fermented mutton sausages at the end of ripening(7th day),storage week 1(14th day),weeks 2(21st day) and weeks 4(35th day) were evaluated.In this study,the relativity of the color,flavor,texture,taste and the quality was evaluated by formula Y=0.08X1+0.147X2+0.222X3+0.836X4(R2=0.999) and the sensory weight were successively tastetextureflavor color,which indicated that taste played an important role.The colour score of the SC+BP and SC+BP+C was always lower than of the control(CO) after ripening and during storage due to adding black pepper.The sensory score of the SC was higher than the CO at the storage 2 weeks(21st day),and the smell of mutton of all sausages was obviously lower than of the CO during the storage,which showed that inoculation with the combination of the starter cultures and the spices improved the sensory quality of dry fermented mutton sausages.
出处 《食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第2期116-120,共5页 Food Science and Technology
基金 中国农业大学与内蒙古农业大学科研合作基金 国家自然基金(30960300)
关键词 羊肉发酵干香肠 感官品质 相关性 dry fermented mutton sausage sensory quality correlation
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