
应用全胚胎培养方法研究野百合碱对小鼠胚胎发育的影响 被引量:4

Toxicity of monocrotaline on in vitro cultured mouse embryos
摘要 目的:探讨野百合碱的胚胎发育毒性。方法:采用小鼠全胚胎培养模型,将8.5 d小鼠胚胎在含有野百合碱的即刻离心血清中培养48 h(野百合碱的终浓度分别为100,50,25,12.5 mg.L-1),观察野百合碱对胚胎生长发育(卵黄囊直径、颅臀长、头长、体节数)和组织器官形态分化(卵黄囊循环、尿囊、翻转、心、脑、尾神经管、视听嗅系统、腮弓、颌突、肢芽)的影响。结果:随野百合碱浓度的增加,胚胎的生长发育和组织器官形态分化受到的影响越来越严重,其中以视听系统、颌突、肢芽等项的影响最为明显。结论:野百合碱对体外培养的小鼠胚胎有明显的毒性作用,提示妊娠期暴露于该化合物对胎儿具有潜在的毒性。 Objective : To investigate the fetotoxicity of monocrotaline. Method : Mouse whole embryo culture (WEC) was applied. Post-implantation (8.5 d) mouse embryos were isolated from their mothers and put into the medium of immediately centrifuged serum (ICS) prepared from rats. Different concentrations of monocrotaline ( 100,50,25,12. 5 mg·L-1 ) were added into the WEC. Development (yolk sac diameter, crown-rump length, head length, somite number)and organic morphodifferentiation (yolk sac circulation, allantois, embryonic flexion, heart, brain, optic-otic-olfactory organ, branchial arch, maxillary, mandible, bud) of embryos were observed at 48 h after treatment. Result: Obvious fetotoxicity could be observed in various monocrotaline treatment groups in a dose-dependent manner. Development of embryos was delayed slgnificantly at dose 12. 5-100 mg L-l. Malformations were shown in all organic morphodifferentiation indice, especially in opti-otic organ, mandible and bud. Conclusion: Monocrotaline had obvious fetotoxicity in vitro WEC, indicating that exposure of pregnant mice to monocrotaline may have potential risk on fetus.
出处 《中国中药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期484-487,共4页 China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30873434) 国家科技部重大专项(2009ZX09301-005) 中国中医科学院自选课题(2007)
关键词 野百合碱 全胚胎培养 生殖毒性 monocrotaline whole embryo culture fetotoxicity
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