酞酸酯是环境中广泛存在的一种塑料增塑剂,大气中的酞酸酯会随着呼吸进入人体,对人体产生危害。采用超声提取,气相色谱-质谱联用的方法分析了天津市2010年1月15—19日7个采样点大气PM_(10)中邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(DMP)、邻苯二甲酸二乙酯(DEP)、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)、邻苯二甲酸苄基丁基酯(BBP)、邻苯二甲酸双(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP)、邻苯二甲酸二辛基酯(DOP)6种酞酸酯的污染。结果表明,除了BBP的回收率为77.62%之外,其他5种物质的回收率均在80%以上,基本满足分析要求。采样期间天津市大气PM_(10)中酞酸酯以DBP和DEHP为主。从空间变化来看,DBP和DEHP点位均值分别为12.6(红桥,交通稠密区)~39.68 ng·m^(-3)(北辰,工业区)和80.2(红桥,交通稠密区)~283.13 ng·m^(-3)(昆程园,居住区);从时间变化来看,DBP和DEHP日均值分别为24 65~40.58 ng·m^(-3)和155.55~283.48 ng·m^(-3),其日均最大值均出现在有雾的采样日。与国内其他城市相比,DBP质量浓度较低,而DEHP的质量浓度则相对较高;DMP、DEP、BBP及DOP4种物质均有检出,但质量浓度较低,质量浓度变化范围分别为nd~7.90 ng·m^(-3)、nd~12.79 ng·m^(-3)、nd~0.92mg·m^(-3)和nd~12.20 ng·m^(-3)。
This article intends to report our investigation of the pollution caused by phithalic acid esters on PM10 in Tianjin in January, 2010, by using an ultrasonic extraction and gas chromatograph-mass spectrometry (GC - MS) method developed by given authors simultaneously to determine the six phthalic acid esters on PM10 at seven sampling sites in the city. The six Phthalic Acid Esters were DMP, DEP, DBP, BBP, DEHP and DOP, which are all harmful to human health. The results of our recovery experiments indicate that the recovery rate of the five substances turned to be as high as above 80% except that of BBP which was 77.62 %. The experiment results also reveal that DBP and DEHP were the dominant pollutants on PM10 in Tianjin during the month of January. The concentrations of the two substances range from 12.61 ng·m^-3 ( Hongqiao, crowded traffic area) to 39.68 ng·m^-3 (Beichen, industrial area) and 80.21 ng·m^-3(Hongqiao, crowded traffic area) to 283.13 ng·m^-3(Kunchengyuan, residential area) respectively in the space. Thus, it seems hard to judge the origin of the two PAEs from different functioning areas. The primary study helped us to guess if they were mainly from the emission of plastic products. In addition, it was found that the concentrations were from 24.65 ng·m^-3 to 40.58 ng·m^-3 and 155.55 ng·m^-3 to 283.48 ng·m^-3 respectively in the temporal variety and the highest daily average concentration both of DBP meteorological condition, especially when the relative humidity tends to be the most important factor affecting the situational features of pollution. However, it did not vary greatly in daily concentrations of DBP and DEHP except for that of DBP on 17th and DEHP on 19th. Thus, compared with other cities at home, the concentration of DBP here was lower, whereas DEHP, DMP, DEP, BBP and DOP were found here higher in some sample-collecting time, which varied from undetectable to 7.90 ng·m^-3, or to 12.79 ng·m^-3, or to 0.92 ng·m^-3, and/or even to 12.20 ng·m^-3 respectively.
Journal of Safety and Environment
basic disciplines of environmental science and technology
phthalic acid esters