Objective: To investigate the effect of IL-1β Taq I polymorphism on the exprcssionof lL-1β mRNA in periphcral mononuclear cells stimulatcd by LPS, to detcrminc whether the IL-1βTaq I polymorphism is associatcd with susccptibilith to and outcomc of sevcre sepsis inpostoperation. Metheds: Ninety-thrce patients with diagnosis of sevcrc sepsis and one-hundred-twelve ethnically matched healthy individuals were included in this study. The level of lL-15 mRNAwas measured by semi-quantitative RT-PCR, GAPDH as an intemal standard. IL-lβ Taq I poly-morphism was typed using PCR folowed by restriction analysis, agarose gcl electrophoresis andcthidium bromide staining. The specificity of thc amplified DNA fragments was certificated bysouthern blot. Results: No significant difference in the allele frequency and genotype distribution ofthe IL-1β Taq I polymorphism was observed between patients with severe sepsis and normal individ-uals (P > 0.O5). The level of lL-1β mRNA did not differ between IL-1β Taq I polymorphicgenotypes (P >0 .O5). Conclusions: IL-1β Taql poymorphism was nether associated with the in-cidence nor with the outcomc of severe sepsis in optoperation. IL-l5 Taq I polymorphism did notaffect the transcription of IL-1β gene
Hebei Medical Journal