
渔业财产权与海洋渔业资源养护制度的构建 被引量:8

The Concept of fishery property right and the construction of system of marine fishery resources conservation
摘要 我国海洋渔业资源面临衰竭的威胁,以政府主导型管理为手段的传统模式虽然在一定时期内起到了遏制"非法捕捞"的作用,但是在我国个人财产权法律制度不断健全的当今时代,确有必要倡导构建以私权利为核心的民间秩序,维护我国海洋渔业资源的养护制度,消除"公地悲剧"现象。创设渔业财产权概念是防止公地悲剧的最有效的措施。我国应当大胆借鉴英美法上的财产权概念,确立入渔机会的财产权属性。为此,我国《渔业法》再次修订时应当适度平衡渔业资源的财产权与执法成本之间的微妙关系。 Marine fishery in China is threated by resources depletion. Although traditional governmental regulations have effectively curbed IUU in a particular period, under incomplete individual property rights system, it's necessary to establish a civil order based on private rights so as to maintain a sound conservation system for Chinese fishery resources and eliminate the Tragedy of the Commons. The most effective means of eradicating such tragedy is to establish such concept as property right in fishery. China should learn from American Law to determine property right attribute. Therefore, property right in fishery and enforcement cost should be balanced when the existing Fishery Act is revised.
作者 周立波
机构地区 广东海洋大学
出处 《中国渔业经济》 北大核心 2011年第1期91-96,共6页 Chinese Fisheries Economics
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目"海洋渔业资源养护与管理的法律问题研究"(批准号09YJC820018)的资助
关键词 公地悲剧 渔业财产权 海洋渔业 养护制度 tragedy of the Commons property right in fishery marine fishery conservationsystem
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