To determine whether senescence is concemed with CYP3A activity, the activities of the SAM hepatic cy-tochrome P450 3A (CYP3A) were quantified in vitro as erythromycin N-demethytation in microsomes Prepared from SAM-R1、SAM-P1 and SAM-P8, respectively, at 7、 13 and 36 weeks of age in every animal group.We found CWP3A activity was de-creased with advancing age in SAM-P1 and SAM-P8. At 13 weeks of age, CYP3A activity was about 39.5% lower (t = 2.525,P < 0.05) in SAM-P1 and about 43.7% lower (t = 2.24, P < 0.05) in SAM-P8. Compared with 36 to 13 weeks of age thesetwo groups, CYP3A activity was decreased approximately 71 .3% (t = 2.84, P < 0.02) in SAMP-1 and 62.9% (t = 3.2l,P < 0.01) in SAM-P8. It was no significant differences from 7 to 13 weeks of age in SAM-R1, but from 13 to 36 weeks of age,it was decreased about 38. 2% (t = 2. 37. P < O.05) .Taken together, the data suggest that CYP3A takes very importan effectto senescence.
Guangzhou Medical Journal