The essay elaborates and forecasts the global macro economics in 2011 first,and then the shipping market such as the container,the dry bulk cargo and the tanker market.Global recovery advances but remains uneven,with two main tracks.In advanced economies,activity has tempered less than expected,but growth remains subdued,unemployment is still high,and renewed stresses in the Euro area periphery are contributing to downside risks.In many emerging economies,activity remains buoyant,inflation pressures are emerging,and there are now some signs of overheating,driven in part by strong capital inflows.The most urgent requirements for robust recovery are comprehensive and rapid actions to overcome sovereign and financial troubles in the Euro area,policies to redress fiscal imbalances as well as to repair and reform financial systems in advanced economies more generally.High commodity prices are also a downside risk to the overall global recovery.Oil,coal and grains are amongst the commodities that put a lid on economic growth and create inflationary pressure.The already high and still rising oil prices could limit growth,in particular in the emerging markets where reliance on oil and consumption is growing the most.
China Ocean Shipping Monthly