
Low power mapping for AND/XOR circuits and its application in searching the best mixed-polarity 被引量:9

Low power mapping for AND/XOR circuits and its application in searching the best mixed-polarity
摘要 A low power mapping algorithm for technology independent AND/XOR circuits is proposed. In this algorithm, the average power of the static mixed-polarity Reed-Muller (MPRM) circuits is minimized by generating a two-input gates circuit to optimize the switching active of nodes, and the power and area of MPRM circuits are estimated by using gates from a given library. On the basis of obtaining an optimal power MPRM circuit, the best mixed-polarity is found by combining an exhaustive searching method with polarity conversion algorithms. Our experiments over 18 benchmark circuits show that compared to the power optimization for fixed-polarity Reed-Muller circuits and AND/OR circuits, power saving is up to 44.22% and 60.09%, and area saving is up to 14.13% and 32.72%, respectively. A low power mapping algorithm for technology independent AND/XOR circuits is proposed. In this algorithm, the average power of the static mixed-polarity Reed-Muller (MPRM) circuits is minimized by generating a two-input gates circuit to optimize the switching active of nodes, and the power and area of MPRM circuits are estimated by using gates from a given library. On the basis of obtaining an optimal power MPRM circuit, the best mixed-polarity is found by combining an exhaustive searching method with polarity conversion algorithms. Our experiments over 18 benchmark circuits show that compared to the power optimization for fixed-polarity Reed-Muller circuits and AND/OR circuits, power saving is up to 44.22% and 60.09%, and area saving is up to 14.13% and 32.72%, respectively.
作者 汪鹏君 李辉
出处 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期108-113,共6页 半导体学报(英文版)
基金 Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.61076032,60776022) the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China(No.20090461355) the Postdoctoral Research Projects of Zhejiang Province,China,and the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province,China(No.Y1101078)
关键词 AND/XOR circuits low power mapping MPRM polarity optimization AND/XOR circuits low power mapping MPRM polarity optimization
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