经调查鉴定, 发现了云南植物区系种子植物19 个新记录种, 1 个新记录亚种, 2 个新记录变种, 1 个新记录变型。其中, 南亚枇杷缩花变型 〔 Eriobotrya bengalensis ( Roxb .) Hook . f. forma contracta Vidal〕为中国新记录。为云南植物区系研究提供了新资料。
According to our investigation of the flora of the Laojun Mountain Region in the Wenshan County,19 species,1 subspecies,2 varieties and 1 forma are reported as new records in Yunnan Province.One of them,Eriobotrya bengalensis(Roxb) Hook.f.forma contracta Vidal,is also a new record in China.In this paper,many new materials for the flora of Yunnan have been presented.
Yunnan Forestry Science and Technology