对来自蒙古国的小麦、大麦及麦麸运用病瘿检查、洗涤检验和分离培养检验3 种方法进行检验,共截获真菌14 属18 种,未截获一类危险性病害。在被截获的真菌中,其中对禾本科作物有致病性的主要有5 属8 种,半知菌亚门的短梗霉属和枝孢属的3 个种为进口粮食及饲料携带的优势种。
The wheat,barley and bran from Mongolia are examined using gall test,washing and isolasion culture test methods.14 genera and 18 spieces of fungi are found but no dangerous plant pathogens.In these fungi,5 genera and 8 spieces can cause plant diseases of the Gramineae.3 spieces of Aure-obasidium and Cladosporium of Deuteromycotina are dominant spieces taken by inported food and forage.