
黑腹果蝇黑条体突变体的求偶行为 被引量:1

Mating behaviour of black-stripe-body mutant of Drosophila melanogaster
摘要 黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster黑条体果蝇(ebsr)与黑檀体果蝇(e)为同一个基因(ebony)的不同突变体,两者具有相似的形态表型,但行为特征表现出明显的差异。本研究以黑条体、黑檀体和野生型果蝇为研究对象,首先检测果蝇的视力和活跃度,再采用不同交配组合进行求偶成功率、交配时间和求偶模式的分析。结果表明:黑条体果蝇视力与活跃度与野生型果蝇比较无显著差异;黑条体果蝇的交配成功率和交配潜伏期与野生型果蝇不存在显著的差异;黑檀体果蝇的交配成功率和交配潜伏期与野生型果蝇存在极显著的差异(P<0.000)。黑条体果蝇表现出异于黑檀体果蝇的活跃度和交配活力,可能是由于黑条体果蝇ebony基因的新突变导致了果蝇体内多巴胺水平异常,从而形成了黑条体果蝇独特的求偶模式。 The black-stripe-body (ebsr) and ebony (e) are different mutants for the same gene (ebony) of Drosophila melanogaster. Both phenotypes have the similar shape,but the behavioral characteristics demonstrate significant differences between them. In this study,the black-stripe-body,ebony and wild-type flies were studied. Firstly,we detected the vision and locomotor activity of flies,and then the different mating-groups were designed for analyzing the mating success,mating latency and courtship pattern of flies. The results showed that the vision and locomotor activity were not significantly different between black-stripe-body and wild-type flies. There was no significant difference in mating success and mating latency for the black-stripe-body and wild-type flies,while there were significant differences (P0.000) in mating success and mating latency for ebony and wild-type flies. Black-stripe-body flies perform locomotor activity and mating activity differently from ebony flies,and this may be due to the new way of the ebony gene mutation,which leads to abnormal levels of dopamine in Drosophila,thus forming the unique courtship pattern of black-stripe-body.
出处 《昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期1345-1351,共7页 Acta Entomologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30870292)
关键词 黑腹果蝇 黑檀体 黑条体 求偶模式 交配活力 Drosophila melanogaster ebony black-stripe-body (bsr) courting pattern mating activity
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