
溪流岩生明叶藓的孢子体分布格局及其生殖特性研究 被引量:1

Distributive Pattern of Sporophytes and Reproductive Characteristics of Rock Outcrop Moss Vesicularia montagnei in a Stream
摘要 通过实地踏查,对湖南省德夯地质公园九龙溪景区35个样地315个样方的溪流岩生明叶藓进行调查研究,以揭示其生殖生物学特性。结果表明:(1)共分离出明叶藓单株4 427株,其中有孢子着生的单株1 439株,单株着生孢子体数量从1个到12个。(2)明叶藓种着生1个孢子体的植株数占有孢子体着生植株总数的53.79%,且分别显著多于着生孢子体2-12个的植株数(P〈0.01);着生1-3个孢子体的植株数占孢子体植株总数的比例达88.74%,说明明叶藓中单株着生1-3个孢子体的植株占绝对多数。(3)明叶藓的孢子体主要着生在主茎上(94.85%),各级分枝上较少产生孢子体。(4)明叶藓在单株水平上有性生殖的比例为32.5%,在种群水平上有性生殖的比例为97.1%,说明有性生殖在雌雄同株的明叶藓种群中普遍存在。 Based on field investigations of Vesicularia montagnei,a rock outcrop moss in a stream,which flows across Jiulongxi Scenic Area in Dehang Geopark in Hunan Province of China,315 quadrats from 35 plots were set up and studied to reveal its reproductive biology characteristics.The results demonstrated that:(1) 1 439 individuals of the total 4 427 produced at least one sporophyte and up to 12 sporophytes;(2)53.79% individuals producing one sporophyte.It is significantly higher than that of the individuals producing 2 to 12 sporophytes(P〈0.01).88.74% individuals producing one,two or three sporophytes.They are absolute majority;(3)Most sporophytes were born in main stem(94.85%) and fewer sporophytes were produced in branches at all levels;(4)The sexual reproduction rate was 32.5% at individual level and 97.1% at population level,i.e.sexual reproduction in V.montagnei was widespread in its populations.
出处 《西北植物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期2423-2426,共4页 Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30470181) 湖南省自然科学基金资助项目(09JJ6036) 生态学湖南省重点建设学科开放项目(2010JDS01)
关键词 明叶藓 孢子体 有性生殖 雌雄同株 分布格局 Vesicularia montagnei sporophyte sexual reproduction monoecy distributive pattern
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