
城市空间文化规划中的目标体系建构 被引量:6

Structuring Target System in Cultural Planning of Urban Spaces
摘要 在激进的旧城改造和快速城市化过程中,中国城市的发展和建设特别关注经济效益而缺乏足够的文化关怀,致使城市空间的整体性文化特色遭到很大破坏。就此,本文提出了一种城市规划的新维度——城市空间文化规划,试图进一步完善和丰富城市规划体系。同时从宏观、中观、微观三个层面探讨了城市空间文化规划中目标体系的建构,其中宏观层面指在城市整体层面上落实空间文化发展战略,构建城市空间文化的主题和网络;中观层面指在城市次区域或街区层面上提出一套有针对性的城市空间文化目标体系;微观层面指在地段和空问单元层面上落实具体的空间文化目标,结合具体的空间地段塑造场所精神。城市空间文化规划不等于广义的城市文化规划,其主要任务是将城市文化要素落实于城市空间,从空间规划上给予保障与配合;其基本思想是主张建构自觉、明确文化导向的城市规划设计体系,将文化内涵更明确而有机地融入物质空间对象。在今天,通过历史文化名城保护规划实施城市空间的历史遗产保护已成为共识,但新城空间的文化品质和新老城空间之间的文化衔接往往被忽视,而启动城市空间的文化规划,可以全面实现城市空间文化的复兴和振兴。 In the process of fast urbanization and radical urban renewal in China, the economic efficiency was highly concerned but cultural significance was neglected, it led to the ruin of the character in the wholeness of the urban space culture. This paper raises the new dimension of urban planning through the Cultural Planning of Urban Spaces (CPUS). It aims at accomplishing and enriching the planning system. It sets up a target system from macro to micro levels, and discusses the issues related to the CPUS. By this framework, this paper specially studies the cases in the south-west china, and makes some recommendations to re-enchantment the urban space culture. The macro level concerns the urban space culture theme and network in the city level; the second level relates the target system of sub-region and block level; the micro level concerns that of section level and space unit level, concentrating the spirit of place. The CPUS is not equal urban culture planning. Its main task is to settle the culture elements into the urban space. The basic idea is setting up a culture-oriented planning system, and integrating cultural context into physical space. Heritage conservation of historical city is necessary, but improving the new city space and linking the old and the new are neglected. Appling the CPUS will benefit the cultural renaissance of urban space.
作者 黄瓴 许剑峰
出处 《室内设计》 2010年第6期9-15,共7页 Interior Design
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目"西南山地城市(镇)规划适应性理论与方法研究"(50738007) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目"山地安全城市设计多因子关联及动态控制研究"(50908238)
关键词 城市空间文化规划 目标体系 建构 Cultural Planning of Urban Spaces, Tar-get System, Structuring
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