t'romoting the system reform of the entrance examination and enrollment to graduate level educatien is a systematic project, which needs beginning from management system to examination form and conten. The reform of management system needs establishing the institutions and professors who are the leading parts in, the processing of graduate selection and cultivation. The examination organizations offer services from test development and administration to assessment result. The government takes charge of macro-eoordinaqon and supervision. The two-stage examination needs to be improved. The first stage examination is national unifornled, which needs changing from selection to qualification. The examination organization hosts the prclilminary examination several times one year and the marks are valid for several years. The content of the first stage examination needs to be changed, which needs measuring skills that are not related to any specific field of study and the basic knowledge most important for successful graduate study in the particular field. According to the basic mark requirement of the first stage examination needed by the institutions, the examinees take the first stage examination mark to apply for the second stage examination. The institutions need assess and enroll the examinees by the first stage examination mark, the second stage examination mark, the GPA in college, the theses, recommendation letters by professor and the health condition, etc.
journal of China Examinations
The Entrance Examination to Graduate Level Education
The Examination and Enrollment System
Examination Reform