本文研究了以煤矸石和菱镁矿为主要原料合成堇青石熟料的可行性。实验表明选择高岭石含量高和碱金属氧化物及氧化铁含量低的煤矸石及高纯菱镁矿可以合成出高质量的堇青石熟料,其堇青石的含量可达95% 以上,最佳煅烧温度为1 400℃,保温10h,然后在降温过程中在1 350℃再保温10 h。
The possibility of producing sintered cordierit e materials by using coal gangues and magnesite as major raw materials has been studied. The experiments show that by selecting coal gangues with high kaolinite content and low Fe 2O 3 , K 2O and Na 2O content and high grade magnesite as raw materials, high quality sintered cordierite materials can be produced. The cordierite mineral content can be up to 95% in the sintered materials. The bulk density of such a type of sintered materials can be up to 95% of theoretical density of cordierite. The green body can be well sintered at 1 400℃ for 10 hours and then for another 10 hours at 1 350℃ during the temperature decrease.
Mineralogy and Petrology