
切向管结构对涡流二极管性能影响的数值模拟 被引量:3

Numerical Simulation of Tangential Port on Vortex Diode Performance
摘要 为研究涡流二极管切向管结构对其性能及内部流场的影响,本文采用SIMPLE算法、κ-ε模型对锥角为0°(直筒型)、3°、5°、7°和10°的五种切向管结构模型进行了数值模拟。结果表明:随着切向管锥角的增大,由于强制涡速度的提高,反向阻力系数随之增大,同时由于切向管中涡量的增大,正向阻力系数也随之增大。直筒型切向管结构ε值最小,随着切向管锥角增大,ε值随之增大,在锥角7°时达到最大,10°时ε值减小。因此涡流二极管切向管锥角的最优值在7°左右。所得结论可为涡流二极管的优化设计提供参考依据。 In order to investigate the effect of tangential port structure on vortex diode performance, CFD simulations were carried out on vortex diodes with tangential port of 0°,3°,5°,7°and 10°respectively.Standardκ-εmodel was selected for forward flow,while RNGκ-εmodel was selected for reverse flow.The results show that the reverse resistance coefficient increases as the angel increases because of the growing velocity of forced vortex.As the same time,the forward resistance coefficient also increases in results of the growing vorticity.Tangential port of 0°yields the lowestε,andεincreases as the angel increases till 7°.Tangential port of 7°yields the highestε.which means vortex diode with tangential port of 7°has the best comprehensive performance.The results provide some basis for optimizing the vortex diode.
出处 《工程热物理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期415-418,共4页 Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目资助(No.51006087 No.50979095)
关键词 涡流二极管 切向管 锥角 综合性能 vortex diode tangential port cone angle performance
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