
意识思维和无意识思维对复杂决策的影响 被引量:11

The Effect of Conscious/Unconscious Thought on Complex Decision
摘要 以大学生为被试,以汽车作为实验材料,通过对12条汽车属性信息的操纵,设置出四款优差不同的汽车。通过对汽车的优差选择,探察在属性信息逐条呈现的情况下,有意识思维与无意识思维对复杂决策的影响。研究结果表明:在反应时上,无意识思维下的决策时间要比有意识思维下的决策时间长;在选择的正确率上,有意识思维决策的结果要优于无意识思维决策的结果;在信息回忆量上,有意识思维决策的回忆量要多于无意识思维决策的回忆量,这与无意识思维理论是相违背的。 Kahneman thought the reason that people appeared irrational thinking,the system error of thinking was the heuristic intuition thinking.Dijksterhuis suggested that unconscious thought was an active process.When the target of the unconscious thought was specific,individual's unconscious thought can make the choice of target and have a considerable flexibility.In view of the above difference,we selected vehicle-related decision-making tasks to validate this view through the manipulation of conscious and unconscious thought.We set off four kinds of cars by manipulating twelve different attributes.There was a difference between the four cars and had a sequence from low to high.The effect that the conscious thought and unconscious thought played on the complex decision was studied by the choice of the participants to the four different cars.The independent variables are decision types:conscious thought and unconscious thought.There are two dependent variables.The first is the right choice rate and the response time of each vehicle.The second is the amount of information in memory of the attributes of each vehicle including the total amount and the correct amount.The results show:the response time in the unconscious thought was longer than that in the conscious thought;the result in the conscious thought was better than that in the unconscious thought according to the rate of correct choice.The amount of recalled information in the conscious thought was more than that in the unconscious thought.These founds were inconsistent with the unconscious thought.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期88-92,共5页 Journal of Psychological Science
关键词 无意识思维 启发式 双系统加工模型 复杂决策 unconscious thought heuristic dual-process model complex decision
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